The Patient Ledger is where all financial transactions are posted to a patient's account. All charges, payments, write-offs, transfers and overall financial account maintenance are performed from the Patient Ledger, using the Sheet Bar optionsSheet Bar options on the left side of the screen. Click the links in the Sheet Bar Options section of this topic to learn how to post transactions to an account.
Most of the fields on the Patient Ledger screen itself are read-only, but you can adjust the view of the screen using the Viewing and Grouping options discussed in this topic, and you can use Demographics button to edit patient information or verify insurance coverage. Click the links in each section of this topic for more information.
Video Demo
Click the image below to view a video demonstrating the following Patient Ledger processes:
Using the Patient Ledger
The information in this section defaults in from other areas of the system. Click the links below for more information.
The patient's account number, name, age, date of birth and sex are displayed here.
Click the icon to the right of the patient info to read or create Remarks on the account. The Remarks feature is useful for noting finance-related details. For example you can note that you have explained to the patient the level of benefits or tried to collect a co-pay or deposit. Click here to learn how to read or create Remarks.
The current batch being used for posting transactions is displayed in blue text just below the patient name. All transactions you complete on the patient ledger will be posted to this batch. You can select a different batch or create a new one. Click here to learn how.
Aging informationAging information
There are five columns within this section which represent aging amounts (from left to right): 0-30, 31-60, 61-90, 91-120, and 120+ days based on the transaction date of the charge.
Account: Displays the total balance for the entire account.
Patient: Displays the portion of the balance that is assigned to the patient.
Insurance: Displays the portion of the balance that is assigned to an insurance carrier on the patient’s account.
UPUP (unassigned payment)
UP: Displays the total of any Unassigned Payments posted to the patient ledger that have not been associated to a charge. If this number is greater than 0, then there is money that can still be allocated to charges. If the charges have reached a 0 balance, then the patient could be owed a refund.
You can adjust the way transactions are displayed in the Transaction List using the following options:
Displays all transactions posted in the previous 30 days, including parent and child transactions.
Displays all parent transactions. You can view all child transactions by clicking the plus sign next to a parent transaction.
Hides all charges that have reached a 0 balance, and displays all other transactions. You can view all child transactions by clicking the plus sign next to the parent transaction.
When left unchecked, only active transactions will be viewable on the transaction list. When checked, both active and inactive transactions will be displayed.
Hides all child transactions from view
Displays all child transactions
Groups transactions by charges (default)
Group transactions by Case
Groups all transactions with the same date of service together
Displays all charges in the order they were posted on the ledger
The Group Totals will display the totals for the transactions included in the option you selected in the Group By section. If you select a different Group By option, the totals will recalculate based on your new selection.
Displays a list of all transactions
posted to the account. Click the next
to a transaction to see its "child" transactions
(i.e. payments posted to a charge).
If checked, indicates the transaction is active.
Displays the CPT® code for procedures and supply resource item charge lines
Displays the transaction date for the entry. For a charge, this would be the date or service. For all other transactions, this date can be manipulated at the time of posting.
Displays the quick code of the transaction type. Transaction types:
Charges/Charge Corrections
Payments/Payment Corrections
Write-offs/Write-off Corrections
Transfers/Transfer Corrections
Unassigned payments/Unassigned Payment Corrections
General Notes
Displays the amount of the transaction
If the transaction entered was a debit, the amount will also show in this column, so the user can quickly see that the transaction was added to the patient’s accounts receivable.
If the transaction entered was a credit, the amount will also show in this column, so the user can quickly see that the transaction subtracted from the patient’s accounts receivable.
Displays the journal code associated to the transaction (will be blank for charge line items).
The surgeon rendering services for this transaction
Displays if the charge was marked as Accept Assignment (can be set as a default in the insurance plan dictionary). When checked, the facility acknowledges the payment by the insurance carrier as payment in full (for that payor) for services rendered.
Displays if the charge was marked as Generate a Claim (can be set as a default in the insurance plan dictionary). When checked, the charge will appear as an eligible billable item in the insurance billing section of the Financial Management module. If the charge should not be included on an insurance claim, then GC should be left unchecked for that charge line item.
Displays the latest date the charge was billed. If there is a date in this field, then the charge will not be in the queue of the insurance billing section of the Financial Management module. If this field is blank, the charge has either not yet been billed or it has been marked as re-billed and will remain blank until the charge is billed for a second time.
Displays the portion of the charge due from the patient. Adding an amount in this field at the time of charge entry will add the amount to the patient balance area in the aging columns at the top of the Patient Ledger screen (Balance Information area) and deduct from the insurance balance.
Displays the total unpaid amount remaining on the charge
Billing Transaction Number- used to identify all financial transactions. If you receive an error message while billing insurance, the transaction will be identified by this number.
Transfer to BG - This box is checked by the system when a user has used the Transfer to BG function to transfer a transaction from one billing group to another. For more information, see Transfer to BG.
Billing Group - Name of the Billing Group associated to the charge
CPT® - CPT® code associated to the procedure
Mod CPT® Modifier Quick Codes (up to 4)
POS Place of Service code for where the procedure was performed
Units Number of units of the supply/resource or service associated to the charge
Billed to - Name of the current role the charge resides with (PI, SI, TI, PG, or SG)
On - Date of service. This is not the date the charge was billed. If the charge has been billed, the Bill Date displays in the Transaction List.
TOB - Type of Bill
Collector - Passport of the current Collector associated to the charge
RCM Date - Current follow-up date associated to the charge.
DRG - Diagnostic Related Group if one has been entered (Inpatients only)
Billing Transaction Number- used to identify all financial transactions. If you receive an error message while billing insurance, the transaction will be identified by this number.
Transfer to BG - This box is checked by the system when a user has used the Transfer to BG function to transfer a transaction from one billing group to another. For more information, see Transfer to BG.
Received From - Role and Name from whom the payment was received
Journal Code - The code associated to the transaction
Type - Check, Cash, Credit Card or EFT
Check # - this field is dynamic and will change based on the Type. If the Type is Check, the number will display, if Credit Card the Card number will be displayed, if EFT, the routing number will display.
Routing # - The bank routing number
Unassigned PaymentUnassigned Payment
Billing Transaction Number- used to identify all financial transactions. If you receive an error message while billing insurance, the transaction will be identified by this number.
Transfer to BG - This box is checked by the system when a user has used the Transfer to BG function to transfer a transaction from one billing group to another. For more information, see Transfer to BG.
Billing Group - Name of the Billing Group associated to the charge
From - Role and Name from whom the payment was received
Journal Code - The code associated to the transaction
Billing Transaction Number- used to identify all financial transactions. If you receive an error message while billing insurance, the transaction will be identified by this number.
Transfer to BG - This box is checked by the system when a user has used the Transfer to BG function to transfer a transaction from one billing group to another. For more information, see Transfer to BG.
The note's text appears in the comments box.
Billing Transaction Number- used to identify all financial transactions. If you receive an error message while billing insurance, the transaction will be identified by this number.
Transfer to BG - This box is checked by the system when a user has used the Transfer to BG function to transfer a transaction from one billing group to another. For more information, see Transfer to BG.
Transfer From: Role and Name from whom the amount originally resided with
Transfer To: Role and Name of whom the amount was moved to
Journal Code: The code associated to the transfer
Billing Transaction Number- used to identify all financial transactions. If you receive an error message while billing insurance, the transaction will be identified by this number.
Billing Transaction Number- used to identify all financial transactions. If you receive an error message while billing insurance, the transaction will be identified by this number.
Transfer to BG - This box is checked by the system when a user has used the Transfer to BG function to transfer a transaction from one billing group to another. For more information, see Transfer to BG.
Received From: Role and Name from whom the write off was taken
Journal Code: The code associated to the transaction
Payment Plan InfoPayment Plan Info
If the selected charge is billed under a Patient Payment Plan to the Plan Owner of that case’s active Payment Plan, the information listed below about the plan is displayed in a box at the foot of the Ledger. These fields auto-populate from the Payment Plan Details and are not editable here. To learn more about Patient Payment Plans, click here.
To view a transaction in even more detail or to edit it, double-click the transaction from the list. The Details Page for the selected transaction appears. Click the links below to learn what fields you can edit on the Details page for each transaction type:
After you select a transaction from the Transaction List, this area populates with information that pulls from the Demographics module.
After you select a transaction from the Transaction List, this area populates with information that pulls from other areas of AmkaiOffice.
Click this button to launch the Demographics screen, where you can make changes to the patient's demographic information, or verify insurance coverage. Click here to learn how to edit this screen.
Click this button to view a summary of all appointments for the patient. Click here for more information.
To create and print a report showing the history of when patient statements were generated:
Click the Patient Statement History button.
Select the date range for the report. Only statements run in this range will appear on the report.
Click OK.
A new tab will open with the patient statement history report.
To print, click the green HP button at the top left of this window.
Sheet Bar Options
Use the Sheet Bar optionsSheet Bar options on the left side of the screen to perform financial maintenance to the account. When you click different types of transactions, the options under Special change accordingly as described below. Click the links below to learn more about the Sheet Bar options.
Special (Options that appear when you highlight an Unassigned Payment on the Ledger)
Special (Options that appear when you highlight a Charge on the Ledger)
Special (Options that appear when you highlight a Payment on the Ledger)
A Payment is displayed on the Ledger as a Child Transaction of the Charge
to which it was posted. To view a payment, click the
next to the Charge.
Transfer to BG
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