Editing the Demographics screen

The Demographics screen allows you to view, add and edit key patient information. From the Demographics screen, you can add Billing Groups and Insurance Policies, and document verification of insurance coverage for a case.

Depending on your facility's workflow and when the patient's information is available, schedulers/front desk personnel may complete various sections of the Demographics screen at various times. For example, you may create a new patient record when the patient calls to make an appointment (after first searching for an existing patient record to avoid duplication). You may verify insurance coverage after the initial call, but before the patient arrives for the appointment. Or, you may complete sections of the screen after the patient arrives for the appointment.


Much of the information entered in the Demographics screen is required for "clean claims," so it is a good practice to complete as many of the fields as possible. Your facility should designate Mandatory and Suggested fields in your Conflict Settings to help ensure you capture all necessary information from the patient at the time of scheduling and registration.

For billing purposes, the Insurance Policies, Billing Groups and portions of the Case Details sections must be completed.

Editing the Demographics screen

  1. When you open the Demographics module, the Person - Patient Selection dialog (MPI) appears. Select a patient. The Demographics screenDemographics screen launches with details from the selected patient's record populating the screen. Links in various other modules will take you directly to the Demographics screen as well.

  2. Click the links below for information about the fields in each section.
  3. Complete at least MandatoryMandatory fields are those which much be completed with valid information before an appointment is saved. Your Business Entity can designate these fields in Conflict Settings in the Administration Module. Mandatory fields are highlighted in red in the application. and SuggestedSuggested fields are those which should be completed with valid information. However, you can still save an appointment even if these fields are not satisfied. Your Business Entity can designate these fields in Conflict Settings in the Administration Module. Suggested fields are highlighted in yellow in the application. fields in these sections. To make any changes or additions you make on this screen a permanent part of the patient record, you must click Save from the Sheet BarSheet Bar.




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