Selecting a Person or Patient record

The Person - Patient selection dialogPerson - Patient selection dialog enables you to search for a PersonEveryone entered into AmkaiOffice is considered a Person, regardless of their role. Persons can include patients, guarantors, policy holders, physicians, staff members, emergency contacts, etc./PatientA Person in AmkaiOffice who has been assigned an Account Number. record in the Master Person Index in AmkaiOffice and to open that record in the current module for editing. For example, to post charges related to a case, you would open that Patient's record in the Financial Management module. Person/Patient demographic information is edited in either the Demographics or H/R module.

The Person - Patient selection dialog launches at points throughout the system when the workflow requires searching for a Person/Patient record. For example, in the Scheduling module, the dialog launches when you begin the process of creating a new appointment. In the Demographics module, you can launch the dialog by clicking Search from the Sheet Bar.

The Person - Patient selection dialog also enables you to create a new Patient record.

Search filter options

The following search filters are located at the top of the Person - Patient selection dialog. The availability of all of these options depends on the permissions specified in your user Role, the current Business GroupA grouping of Business Entities that are "in business" with each other. These entities are usually owned by the same parent company or corporation. However, in some cases, they are separately owned, but they agree to share certain data across the Business Entities, so users do not need to continually re-enter patient data. or Business EntityA Business Entity (BE) typically represents a unit of business within a given database. The business can be an Ambulatory Surgery Center (ASC), a physician's practice, an Anesthesia Billing unit, etc. Whether or not a BE is related to another BE within the same database is simply based on the business relationship between the two entities. They can be an ASC/Practice Management combination or an ASC/Anesthesia Billing combination, for example. BEs, whether related or not, typically have separate Federal Tax ID numbers. and settings found in certain dictionaries. Click the links in following list to learn more about these search filters. Some of these filters can be used in combination to narrow the search results returned.

Searching for a Person or Patient record

  1. From the Demographics module, click Search from the Sheet Bar. The Person - Patient selection dialogPerson - Patient selection dialog appears. From other modules, the dialog appears automatically in response to commands that require selecting a patient or person record.

  2. From the Person - Patient selection dialog, select one or more of the filter options listed above by clicking the appropriate button(s) at the top of the dialog.
  3. Select a search parameter (e.g. Last name or Account number) by clicking the appropriate radio button.
  4. Enter the data corresponding to the search parameter you selected (e.g. enter the Patient's Last name). Records matching the search parameter move to the top of the list of records.
  5. Select the appropriate record from the list and open the record in the current module using one of the following methods:
    • Click OK.
    • Double-click the record to open the record in the current module.

Related Topics

  1. Creating a new Patient record
  2. Master Person Index




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