The Additional Charge Entry Information dialog is typically used while posting a charge to a patient's account to enter details related to workers' compensation cases. It is also used to edit these details after charges have been posted. The dialog has two tabs: HCFA and UB. The tabs correspond to industry standard claim forms used for both paper and electronic billing.
Versions of this dialog are available in the Demographics, CDM and Financial Management modules. This topic refers to the Additional Charge Entry Information dialogAdditional Charge Entry Information dialog, launched from the Charge Entry screen in Financial Management by clicking the Additional Information button. Entries you make on this dialog are specific to the Charge, while entries you make in the Demographics or CDM modules apply to all charges in the case.
Information entered in the following fields prior to posting charges, regardless of which module you enter them from, will be associated to all of the charges posted for the case:
Once charges have been posted, you can add or edit information in these fields on the Additional Charge Entry Information dialog.
HCFA and UB Tabs
The tabs on the Additional Charge Entry Information dialog contain some common fields. Where there are fields in common, the information users enter in one tab is automatically transferred to the other tab. For example, if you enter an Accident Date on the UB tab, that information automatically populates in the Accident Date field on the HCFA tab. Complete/edit the fields that are appropriate to the specific case.
To learn more about the fields on each tab, click the following links:
UB Tab
Exclude from EMCExclude from EMC
Check this box to prevent the claim from being sent to the payor electronically.
Select if payor requires any documents be submitted with the claim.
Select this check box to indicate the claim involves an auto accident.
Select this check box to indicate the claim involves an accident other than an auto accident.
Select this check box to indicate the claim involves an accident related to employment.
Select this check box to indicate the patient was seen in the Emergency Department.
Select this check box to indicate the patient is pregnant.
Enter the payor’s amount allowed for this service
Enter the amount of the patient’s deductible.
If you selected either Auto Accident or Other Accident, use this field to record the date the accident took place.
Accident Date is report on the UB-04 with the applicable Occurrence Code and Date FL 31 – 34.
If you selected either Auto Accident or Other Accident, use this field to record the state in which the accident took place.
This field is referenced on UB-04 paper claims as FL 29.
This field corresponds to the 81 CC field on the UB-04 form, and is generally used if additional information is requested by the payor. Use this field to enter any overflow or additional codes related to field locators or to report externally maintained codes approved by the NUBC (National Uniform Billing Committee) for inclusion into the institutional data set.
Free text field with limited character capacity.
This field is referenced on UB-04 paper claims as FL 39 a-d – 41a-d.
Used to identify supplemental reports such as a plan of treatment or certified test report.
Click the plus sign icon to add a line to the table.
Select a Report Type Code from the drop down list or click Alt + D in the field to access the dictionary to add a new Report Type Code.
Select the Transmission Code in the same manner. CMS generates a Control Number that you can enter here to ensure all reports are matched to the correct claim.
This information is specific to HCFA-1500 and EMC (electronic medical claims) only and does not print on a paper UB-04 form.
HCFA tab
Select this check box to indicate the claim involves an auto accident.
This field is referenced on HCFA-1500 paper claims as FL 10b.
Select this check box to indicate the claim involves an accident other than an auto accident.
This field is referenced on HCFA-1500 paper claims as FL 10c.
Select this check box to indicate the claim involves an accident related to employment.
This field is referenced on HCFA-1500 paper claims as FL 10a.
Select this check box to indicate the claim is related to an emergency.
This field is referenced on HCFA-1500 paper claims as FL 24c.
If you selected either Auto Accident or Other Accident, use this field to record the date the accident took place.
This field is referenced on HCFA-1500 paper claims as FL 15 (with appropriate qualifier)
Select the appropriate radio button to indicate whether the disability is None (default), Partial, or Full.
Check this box to prevent the claim from being sent to the payor electronically.
Check Yes when billing for purchased services. A Yes mark indicates the reported service was provided by an entity other than the billing provider.
Enter any charge amount from an outside lab in this free text field.
If you selected either Auto Accident or Other Accident, use this field to record the state in which the accident took place.
This field is referenced on HCFA-1500 paper claims as HCFA-1500 FL 10b.
When processing claims, the system will display an error if an Auto Accident Date is entered without an Accident State being referenced.
Select if payor requires any documents be submitted with the claim.
Select this check box to indicate the patient is pregnant.
This field will also update the Pregnant field located on the Case Details dialog.
Use this field to record the date of illness, injury or pregnancy (LMP, or Last Missed Period).
This field is referenced on HCFA-1500 paper claims as FL 14 (with appropriate qualifier).
Use this field to record the date the patient had the same or similar symptoms.
This field is referenced on HCFA-1500 paper claims as HCFA-1500 FL 15 (with appropriate qualifier).
Use this field to record the date the patient had last been seen in the facility.
This field is referenced on HCFA-1500 paper claims as FL 15 (with applicable qualifier).
Used to record the date of the first day of a female patient's last menstrual period.
This field is referenced on HCFA-1500 paper claims as FL 14(with applicable qualifier).
Used to record the date the patient is authorized to return to work.
Use these fields to record the beginning date the patient was unable to work and the ending date of that period of inability to work.
This field is referenced on HCFA-1500 paper claims as FL 16.
Use these fields to record the admission and discharge dates of an inpatient stay associated to services on the claim.
This field is referenced on HCFA-1500 paper claims as FL 18.
Required on Medicare claims for situations where providers share post-operative care (global surgery claims). Assumed Care Date is the date care was assumed by another provider during post-operative care. See Medicare guidelines for further explanation of this date.
This field is referenced on HCFA-1500 paper claims as FL 15 (with applicable qualifier).
Required on Medicare claims for situations where providers share post-operative care (global surgery claims). Relinquished Care Date is the date the provider filing this claim ceased post-operative care. See Medicare guidelines for further explanation of this date.
This field is referenced on HCFA-1500 paper claims as FL 15 (with applicable qualifier).
Used to record the date the patient first received treatment related to this claim.
This field is referenced on HCFA-1500 paper claims as FL 15 (with applicable qualifier).
Used to record the date the patient first made contact with your facility regarding this date of service.
This field is referenced on HCFA-1500 paper claims as FL15 (with applicable qualifier).
Used to record the last day the patient worked.
Used in the case of a resubmitted claim to denote the original claim number.
This field is referenced on HCFA-1500 paper claims as FL 22.
Used in the case of a resubmitted claim.
This field is referenced on HCFA-1500 paper claims as FL 22.
Enter the payor’s amount allowed for this service.
Enter the amount of the patient’s deductible.
If the claim is related to Early & Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment, select the Yes radio button and enter the appropriate code in the Reason Code field.
This field is referenced on HCFA-1500 paper claims as FL 24h.
Used to record the date of last x-ray when the claim involves spinal manipulation.
This field is referenced on HCFA-1500 paper claims as FL 15 (with applicable qualifier).
Used to record the date on which an acute condition manifested for a claim involving spinal manipulation where the payer is Medicare.
This field is referenced on HCFA-1500 paper claims as FL 15 (with applicable qualifier).
Used to record patient condition code when spinal manipulation is involved.
Used to record patient condition code when the claim is related to the spine.
Free text field with limited character capacity.
Used to identify supplemental reports such as a plan of treatment or certified test report. Select a Report Type Code from the drop down list or click Alt + D in the field to access the dictionary to add a new Report Type Code. Select the Transmission Code in the same manner. CMS (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services) generates a Control Number that you can enter here to ensure all reports are matched to the correct claim.
This field is referenced on HCFA-1500 paper claims as FL 19.
Related topics:
additional case detail (demographics folder)
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