About Scheduling

The Scheduling module is primarily used to book new appointments for surgical cases and/or P.A.T. and Recovery appointments and to view and/or change existing appointments. The Scheduling screenScheduling screen consists of the Scheduling Grid, a calendar where you can see and manage appointments and TemplatesBlocks of time on the Scheduling Grid reserved for a specific surgeon or physician group or for a specific procedure type., and Sheet BarThe Sheet Bar, a pane that resides on the left-hand side of most modules, provides access to most of a module's functionality. Module functions are often grouped by headings indicated by bold font. To view functions grouped under a heading, click the double arrow icon next to the heading . options on the left-hand side of the screen.


The Scheduling module also enables you to

You can access most of the Scheduling module's functionality from the Sheet BarSheet Bar on the left-hand side of the screen. The Sheet Bar options are discussed in the topics linked below. Some of the module's functionality is also available through the menumenu that appears when you right-click an appointment on the Scheduling Grid or the menumenu that appears when you right-click a blank slot on the Grid. Right-click menu options are discussed in Scheduling Topics where appropriate, and in a separate topic linked below.

Opening the Scheduling Module

Click the icon shown circled below in the AmkaiOffice toolbar:

Scheduling Topics


Related Topics

  1. Billing Groups
  2. Editing the Demographics screen
  3. Electronic Insurance Verification
  4. Estimated Revenue
  5. Estimated Revenue 3.18 and later
  6. Insurance Policies
  7. Insurance Verification 3.16x and 3.17x


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