Correction (or Refund) of Payment or Unassigned Payment

You can make corrections to the amount or journal code of a transaction posted to the Patient Ledger using the Correction Sheet Bar option under the Special heading in the Financial Management module. The Correction Sheet Bar option appears when you click on a transaction on the Patient Ledger, offering options for managing transactions. The specific options vary based on the type of transaction you selected.

Alternatively, for payment or charge corrections, you can right-click on a transaction and select the Correction option from the menu that appears.

Though there are various reasons for which you might post a correction, a payment correction is the process to follow when you refund a payment from a patient or an insurance carrier.

There are different instructions for correcting a Payment or Charge vs. correcting an Unassigned Payment, and different instructions when that Unassigned payment has been allocated vs. unallocated. (Click links below for instructions.)

Note: You cannot correct an Unassigned Payment if the amount Due is 0.

The instructions provided here are specific to processing payment refunds. For general instructions for posting a correction, see Correction.

Preparing to post a refund

When you are performing a correction to refund a patient or insurance carrier payment, following the suggestions below may be helpful.

Create a separate batch for refunds

If you are refunding a patient or insurance carrier payment, creating a separate batch for patient refunds and one for insurance carrier refunds will prevent the process from impacting the daily deposit numbers.

Create specific journal codes for refunds

Create a specific Journal Code in the Journal Code dictionary for patient refunds and a separate Journal Code for insurance refunds.  This step will enable you to easily track the transaction when running reports such as the Journal Entry report at month-end.

Create a Remark Category specific to refunds

Creating a Remark Category specific to refunds can assist you when running the Remarks Report to pull a list of all refunds completed in a date range. To learn how to create a Remark Category, click here.

Correcting a transaction posted to the Patient Ledger



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