
When AmkaiOffice is first implemented at your organization, your existing enterprise structure will already be set up for you, but you may need to add to or edit as your organization grows and changes.

The Enterprise > Organization Sheet Bar optionEnterprise > Organization Sheet Bar option in the System Administration module enables you to add or edit Business GroupsA Business Group is a grouping of Business Entities that are "in business" with each other. These entities are usually owned by the same parent company or corporation. However, in some cases, they are separately owned, but they agree to share certain data across the Business Entities, so users do not need to continually re-enter patient data., Business EntitiesA Business Entity (BE) typically represents a unit of business within a given database. The business can be an Ambulatory Surgery Center (ASC), a physician's practice, an Anesthesia Billing unit, etc. Whether or not a BE is related to another BE within the same database is simply based on the business relationship between the two entities. They can be an ASC/Practice Management combination or an ASC/Anesthesia Billing combination, for example. BEs, whether related or not, typically have separate Federal Tax ID numbers., Facilities and External FacilitiesExternal Facilities are included in the Organization dictionary if billing will be done in locations that are not a part of the overall Enterprise, but the location needs to be referenced as Place of Service on claim forms. An example of an External Facility may be an Inpatient Hospital when billing is being done for the professional services associated to anesthesia billing. External Facilities are associated to a Business Group, but not a BE. to your enterprise structure in AmkaiOffice. While many dictionaries in AmkaiOffice are shared by all the Business Entities (BE) within a particular group, you will need to build certain key dictionaries for a new BE.

Before you Begin

Note: Many of the fields referenced in the Organization dictionary will be used for claims processing and other sensitive areas of the program. It is recommended that you limit the users who have access to this dictionary to only those who need it. See Roles to learn how to limit a user's system access.







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