Passport (Adding  new user)

Your user ID for AmkaiOffice is called a "passport." You need both a passport and a password to login to the system.

Using the Security > Passport Sheet Bar optionSecurity > Passport Sheet Bar option from the Administration module, you can:

Adding a new user

Depending on the user you are adding, you may need to add an entry for the person in the appropriate dictionary, assign him or her one or more system Roles, and assign a Passport (password):

  1. If the user is a Physician:

  2. If the user is a Staff member:

  3. If the user will be signing in to AmkaiOffice, assign user credentials in the Passport dictionary and assign the appropriate Role(s) to confer system privileges.


Video Demo: How to add a new staff member


Related Topics

  1. Change Password
  2. Roles



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