Adding items to multiple Preference Cards

You can add items to multiple Preference CardsPreference Cards contain all of the materials and devices used for a specific surgical procedure and/or surgeon. at once in the Preference Card module using either of the following methods:

Note: if a card has been used to schedule appointments and you subsequently change the Equipment on the card, you must manually modify the appointment to reflect the change to the equipment as the equipment is associated to the case when the card is added.    

If you have trouble with these steps, see Troubleshooting Tips below.


To add items to multiple preference cards

  1.  Launch the Preference Card module. The module opens to the Home pageHome page.

  2. Under Tools on the Sheet Bar Click Add Item(s). The Add Items screenAdd Items screen displays.

  3. In the Select Items section of the screen, click the plus sign icon to add a new supply resource line. You will need to add an additional line for each item you would like to add to the preference card. Complete all relevant fields:
  1. Repeat step 3 for each additional item you wish to add.
  2. Once you have entered all items, select which cards to add these items to in the Select cards based on section. You can select multiple cards based on the following filter criteria (Note: Multiple filter criteria can be used at once.) If you want to add the item(s) to all cards you can skip this step :
    • Specialty: To select cards based on specialtyTo select cards based on specialty
        • To add a specialty to the selection criteria, click the plus sign icon to open the specialty dictionary.
        • To delete a specialty from the selection criteria, click the minus sign icon.
        • To include all specialty cards, click Select All.
        • To select only cards that do not have an associated specialty, check No Specialty.
        • To remove the specialties previously chosen from the selection criteria, click Select None.
    • Surgeon: To select cards based on surgeonTo select cards based on surgeon
        • To add a surgeon to the selection criteria, click the plus sign icon to open the physician dictionary.
        • To delete a physician, click the minus sign icon.
        • To include all surgeon cards, click Select All.
        • To remove the surgeons previously chosen, click Select None.


    • Anesthesia Type: To select cards based on anesthesia typeTo select cards based on anesthesia type
        • To add an anesthesia type to the selection criteria, click the plus sign icon to open the anesthesia type dictionary.
        • To delete an anesthesia type, click the minus sign icon.
        • To include cards with all anesthesia types, click Select All.
        • To remove the anesthesia type previously chosen, click Select None.
        • To include all cards with no selected Anesthesia Type, check No Anesthesia Type


    • Procedure: To select cards based on procedureTo select cards based on procedure
        • To add a procedure to the selection criteria, click the plus sign icon to open the procedure dictionary.
        • To delete a procedure, click the minus sign icon.
        • To include cards with all procedures, click Select All.
        • To remove the procedures previously chosen, click Select None.


  1. Once filters have been set, click Add.
  2. The Add Item(s) Result dialogAdd Item(s) Result dialog appears.

    • The Cards Found section of the dialog shows a list of all cards that meet the filter criteria you selected in step 6. If you wish to exclude any of these cards from the addition of items, you can deselect the check box in the Commit column. Items will only be added to cards with a check mark in the Commit column.
  1. To add the listed items to the selected cards, click Commit. To exit the module without making any changes to the cards, click Cancel.
  2. A prompt will appear with a tally indicating how many cards were selected to be modified and how many cards were skipped. A card will be skipped if the item(s) already exist on the card.


Troubleshooting Tips:

Related Topics

  1. Anesthesia Type
  2. Procedure Dictionary
  3. Supply Resource


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