Building a preference card

You can create or edit preference cardsPreference Cards contain all of the materials and devices used for a specific surgical procedure and/or surgeon. in the Preference Card module. The system provides a wizard to walk you through the steps to create a preference card. See Prerequisites for building preference cards to learn which dictionaries must be populated before you begin creating preference cards.

To build a preference card

  1. Launch the Preference Card module. The module opens to the Home pageHome page.

  2. Click the plus sign icon to the right of the list of existing preference cards on the Home page.  A dialogdialog appears which enables you to select the parameters of your new card.

  3. Select the parameters for your new preference card from the following options. Click the links for information about these options:
    • Card Type:
      • AutoAuto, or

        When the scheduler selects an Auto Select card at the time of scheduling, all procedures added to it will automatically pull to the appointment screen. An Auto Select card is the easiest and quickest way for schedulers to apply all procedures on a preference card to a new surgery appointment.

      • User SelectUser Select

        A User Select card will prompt the Scheduler to select procedures listed on the Preference Card to add to the appointment, instead of automatically dropping all related procedures into the appointment. A User Select card is the quickest way for schedulers to choose specific procedures from a Preference Card, rather than having them all automatically added to the appointment and then manually removing unnecessary procedures. This option can be used to combine similar procedures to one card when all of the items associated to the procedures are more or less the same.  It may be possible to significantly reduce the number of cards needed by creating some as User Select when the opportunity to combine procedures is practical.

    • Build Card by:
      • SurgeonSurgeon, or

        Choosing this option means the card will relate only to the specific Surgeon you select.

      • SpecialtySpecialty

        Choosing this option means the card will be associated to all surgeons with the selected specialty.

    • Surgeon/Specialty field
      • SurgeonSurgeon

        If you elected to build the card by Surgeon, the drop-down list in this field displays all active Physicians listed as Providers from the Physician dictionary.

        If you do not see the Surgeon listed, first verify he or she was marked as a Provider in the Physician Dictionary by clicking the check mark icon. The dictionary launches. Select the physician and click the check mark icon to launch the Edit Physician dialogEdit Physician dialog. Verify the Provider check box is checked on this dialog. You can also edit the Physician information or add a new Physician to the dictionary.

      • SpecialtySpecialty

        If you elected to build the card by Specialty, the drop-down list in this field displays all active Specialties from the system-built dictionary.

Note: Once a card is built, the card type cannot be changed, except by deleting the card and recreating it as a different type. It is important to communicate with your team to determine which cards should be of the Auto Select or User Select type before beginning to build preference cards.

  1. Click Next.
    • If you selected Build Card by Surgeon in step 3, the Surgeon's Preference dialogSurgeon's Preference dialog appears. This dialog outlines the environment and preferences the surgeon requests when performing services in a facility. This screen is linked to all cards created for this surgeon. If the selected surgeon does not yet have a Preference Page created, the fields will be blank, allowing you to enter preferences for this surgeon. If there is already a Preferences card, the preferences on file will pull to this screen, and you can accept existing preference information or change the Surgeon's preferences on file. The Surgeon’s Preferences dialog can also be access directly once the initial information has been entered by clicking on the surgeon's name under the Surgeon Preferences Sheet Bar optionSurgeon Preferences Sheet Bar option. A Surgeon must have at least one Preference Card built in order for him/her to show under the Surgeon Preferences Sheet Bar. Click here to learn how to complete the fields on the Surgeons Preference dialog.

    • If you selected Build Card by Specialty, go directly to step 5, as there is no need to update Surgeon Preferences.
  2. The Card Details dialogCard Details dialog appears. Complete the fields on this dialog to build out the preference card. MandatoryMandatory fields are those which much be completed with valid information before an appointment is saved. Your Business Entity can designate these fields in Conflict Settings in the Administration Module. Mandatory fields are highlighted in red in the application. fields are indicated by the standard red highlighting. There are fields on this screen that function differently based on the type of card you are creating.  Click here to learn how to edit this dialog.

  3. Click Back to return to the Select Types screen, Next to advance to the Card Details screen, or Cancel to exit without saving changes

Related Topics

  1. Physician dictionary


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