Editing a preference card

You can edit an existing preference card in the Preference Cards module.

Note: If a card has been used to schedule appointments and you subsequently change the Equipment on the card, you must manually modify the appointment to reflect the change to the equipment, because the equipment is associated to the case when the card is added.   

To edit a preference card

  1. Launch the Preference Cards module. The module opens to the Home pageHome page. The Home page displays a grid showing all cards currently on file.

    • This grid can be sorted by surgeon or by specialty by selecting the appropriate radio button at the top of the grid.

    • This page also allows you to filter the card list by specific surgeon or specialty to more easily find a specific card.

    • After you select either the Surgeon or Specialty buttons to sort the grid, a drop-down list appears from which you can select an item.

    • You can also add a Surgeon to your dictionaries using the check mark icon next to this field.

  1. Select the preference card you wish to edit from the list. Either double-click the card or click the check mark icon to the right of the grid to edit the selected preference card. The Edit Preference Card Details dialogEdit Preference Card Details dialog appears.

  2. Certain fields at the top of this dialog read-only:

  3. Click here to learn how to edit the fields on this dialog that are modifiable, including details about the procedures, supplies, anesthesia type, etc..



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