Procedures, PAT/Follow-up

For billing and reporting purposes, Procedures performed must be confirmed in either the CDM module or on the Charge Entry Screen in Financial Management. This topic covers updating Procedures information for a PAT or Follow-up appointment, which is performed using the PAT/Follow-up > Procedure Sheet Bar Option. Operative procedures can be updated under the Operative > Procedures Sheet Bar option.

Procedures information updated in the CDM module flows into Financial Management and vice versa.

To update/edit Procedures information, the case status must be set to one of the following: Performed, Partially Performed/Billable, Partially Performed/Not Billable, or In Progress.  Procedures  information will not be allowed to be entered if the case status is set to Pending or Cancelled.  You can update the case status on the Case > General screen in CDM.

For information on integration with AmkaiCharts, SIS Charts, and/or SIS Advanced and workflow issues in the CDM module, see About the CDM module.

To update the CDM module with PAT/Follow-up Procedures performed

  1. Launch the CDM module. You will be prompted to select a patient and case. Click herehere for more information, including instructions for selecting a patient and a case. The PAT/follow-up appointment will not be displayed on this dialog. Instead, you must select the main appointment for the case. Then you can access the PAT/follow-up appointment using the Sheet Bar options under the PAT heading. When you select the main appointment, the module opens to the Case > General screenCase > General screen..    
    1. When you first open the CDM module, the Person -Patient selection dialog appears, prompting you to select a patient. Click here to learn how to select a patient record.
    2. After you select a patient, the CDM Case Selection dialog CDM Case Selection dialog appears, prompting you to select a case. Highlight a case from the dialog and do one of the following:

      • Click View to see, but not edit case information. Or,
      • Click Edit to update/edit case information.

    Note: Only one user at a time can edit a case, but multiple users can view it at once. If you open a case someone else is already editing, a system prompt will indicate you are in View Only mode and let you know who has the case open for editing and for how long. Click the Refresh Locking Info button to see if the case has been released for editing.



  2. Click Procedures under the PAT/Follow-up Sheet Bar HeadingPAT/Follow-up Sheet Bar Heading.

  3. The patient information sectionpatient information section at the top of the screen auto-populates from the Scheduling module. Click the links below for more information about these fields:


  1. The PAT/Follow-up visits sectionPAT/Follow-up visits section auto-populates from the Scheduling module. Click the links below for more information about the fields in this section:


  1. Add any procedures to the Procedures Performed tableProcedures Performed table. Click the following links to learn more about the functionality of this table:


  1. Highlight a procedure from the Procedures Performed table. Key fields in the Procedure DetailsProcedure Details section will populate with information about the selected procedure. Complete at least the MandatoryMandatory fields are those which much be completed with valid information before an appointment is saved. Your Business Entity can designate these fields in Conflict Settings in the Administration Module. Mandatory fields are highlighted in red in the application. fields in this section. Information you enter in this section will then backfill into the appropriate fields in the Procedures Performed table.  Click the following links for more information about the fields in the Procedure Details section.


  1. It is highly recommended that you avoid clicking Create Charge. Charges should be generated in the Financial Management module instead to ensure all billable supplies and Quality Indicator codes are considered when the charges are posted.
  2. Click one of the following buttons:
    • SaveSave

      Click to save your changes to the patient's account and remain in this account in the CDM.

    • Save & NextSave & Next

      Click to save your changes to the current record and search for the next patient whose record you wish to update in the CDM.



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