About Document Central

Document Central is both a tool used to scan documents into the system for a specific patient or Business Entity (BE) and a central location to view all documents already scanned into the system from other areas of AmkaiOffice.

The main advantage of using Document Central to scan in documents is that you can scan multiple documents from one location in the system instead of going to different places.

Person Related and BE Related Documents

Two categories of documents are scanned and stored in Document Central: Person Related (documents related to a specific patient) and BE Related (documents related to a specific feature in AmkaiOffice rather than a specific patient).


Note: Scanning can be done using any TWAINAn applications programming interface (API) and communications protocol that regulates communication between software and digital imaging devices, such as image scanners and digital cameras. compatible scanner, but it is best to check our current hardware specifications for recommendations before adding scanners to your system.


Scanned images are associated to specific “tags,” such as Driver’s License and Insurance Card. These tags are descriptions used to classify and organize scanned documents within Document Central for storage and viewing. When you scan a document in from another area of the system, the document is automatically tagged based on where you scanned it in. For example, if you scan in a driver's license on the Demographics screen using the check mark icon next to Driver LicenseDriver License, it will automatically be tagged as a driver's license in Document Central. When you scan documents into Document Central, you can select the appropriate tag for the document at the time of scanning.

Assigned and Unassigned Documents

In addition to being "tagged," documents must be assigned to a location in the system in order to be viewed/accessed from that location.

Documents you scan into the system from other areas (as in the Demographics example above) are automatically assigned to the location in the system where they were scanned.  Documents that are scanned in from Document Central are tagged, but are not automatically assigned to a specific location in the system. Unassigned documents are viewable from Document Central, but not from any other location in AmkaiOffice until you assign them to a location.

Opening the Document Central module

To open the Document Central module, click the icon circled below on the AmkaiOffice toolbar:

Navigating the Document Central Main Screen

The Document Central module opens to the main screenmain screen. In the top part of the screen, a list of scanned images displays based on the StatusStatus selected in the Status field .  Click the links below to learn how to navigate this screen:

Note: Use the Reload button to refresh the data after each change of the filters.


Person Related Documents

Business Entity Related Documents


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