Scanning in Business Entity (BE) Related Documents

In the Document Central module, you can scan in multiple documents related to the Business Entity. Different from Person Related Documents, BE Related documents relate to the BE rather than a specific patient. Examples include: EOBs, Invoices, and physician credentialing information.

The tagsAlso known as Document Kinds, tags are descriptions used to classify and organize scanned documents within Document Central for storage and viewing. for various types of BE Related documents are listed in the left-hand pane on the screenscreen that appears when you open Document Central.

When you scan documents into Document Central, their status is UnassignedA scanned document that has not yet been associated to a specific place in the system and can only be viewed in Document Central. For example, a patient driver's license scanned into Document Central cannot be viewed in Demographics until it is assigned to Demographics. until you assign them to a specific location.

Note: You can only assign one document to a specific location, so if you have multiple documents that you want to assign to a location, scan it as a multi-page image rather than as multiple documents.

To scan in a new BE related document

  1. Open the Document Central module. The module opens to the main screenmain screen.

  2. From the Documents list on the left-hand side, select the tag that identifies the document you are scanning in. For example, Documents > BE Related > Privilege.
  3. In the Generic Document sectionGeneric Document section at bottom left of the screen, click to add a new document. The Document Editor dialogDocument Editor dialog appears.

  4. Click here to learn how to use this dialog to scan in your document.

Note: If you wish to be able to later search on a group of similar documents you are scanning in, enter text in the Comments field that will make it easy for you to later search for them. For example, if you wish to be able to search on all EOBs related to Medicare, enter the word, "Medicare" (or other common text of your choice) in the Comment field in each Medicare related EOB you scan in.

  1. The document you scanned is now listed as a line item in the table at the top of the Document Central screenDocument Central screen. The table displays basic information about the document, including its Status, which is UnassignedA scanned document that has not yet been associated to a specific place in the system and can only be viewed in Document Central. For example, a patient driver's license scanned into Document Central cannot be viewed in Demographics until it is assigned to Demographics..

  2. When you highlight the document line item, the document's image appears in the Generic Document section at bottom left, and details about the image appear in the Details section at bottom right.
  3. Proceed to the next step: Assigning the document to a specific location in the system, so it can be accessed from there. In our example described above, you would assign the document to Financial Management > Remittance Posting. The document Status would then change to Assigned. See Assigning Scanned BE Related Documents.


Click the links below for tips for using Document Central to manage key BE Related documents:


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