Viewing Reserved Scheduling Resources

During the process of scheduling an Appointment, you can view a list of Scheduling ResourcesPhysical components needed to set up an Appointment. Rooms, Providers, and Equipment must be designated as Scheduling Resources in the Administration module. Patients can also be considered Scheduling Resources for certain reports. you have assigned to the Appointment whether the Appointment is saved or not.

To view reserved Scheduling Resources

  1. Begin the process of scheduling an Appointment. See Scheduling an Appointment.
  2. From the Navigation heading on the Appointment object Sheet BarAppointment object Sheet Bar, click Reservations.

  3. A tabletable showing Scheduling Resources reserved for this Appointment appears on the right. This table cannot be edited. If you wish to change any of these Resources, you will need to click Case from the Navigation heading.

  4. The column headings for this table are listed below. Click each heading for more information about it.
    • RoleRole

      Displays the Role assigned to the Scheduling Resource.

    • ResourceResource

      The Scheduling Resource reserved for the Appointment.

    • CommentComment

      This is a system-generated comment.

    • FromFrom

      The time the Appointment begins.

    • ToTo

      The time the Appointment ends.

  5. Click one of the following options:
    • OKOK

      Any Conflicts encountered will be shown in the Appointment Check Result dialog. You can return to the Case or Demographics screens from the Navigation heading to correct these Conflicts. If there are no Conflicts with MandatoryMandatory fields are those which much be completed with valid information before an appointment is saved. Your Business Entity can designate these fields in Conflict Settings in the Administration Module. Mandatory fields are highlighted in red in the application. fields, you can click Continue Save on the Appointment Check Result dialog. You will return to the Scheduling Grid where the saved Appointment will be visible.

    • CancelCancel

      Return to the Scheduling Grid (for saved Appointments) or the Appointment Screen without running ConflictMissing, incomplete, or invalid information as designated by a Business Entity in Conflict Settings in the Administration Module. The Conflict Checker generates alerts in real time during the scheduling process when it encounters conflicts. Some Conflicts require correction before the appointment can be booked; while others simply generate alerts, but do not prevent the user from saving the appointment. Checker.


Related Topics

  1. Scheduling an Appointment


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