Setting up a Provider to allow overbooking

Before you can schedule appointments with a Provider, he or she must be created in the Physician dictionary in the Administration module and designated as a Scheduling Resource. This is normally done with assistance from Amkai personnel when your account is first created, but you will need to add additional Providers as you continue to use AmkaiOffice.

If you wish to indicate that the provider can be associated to multiple rooms or appointments at the same time, there is further setup required in Scheduling. This section describes the additional setup required in the Scheduling module to allow overbooking of your providers. This step is only necessary if you want to allow overbooking of the physician resource.

To setup a Provider to allow overbooking:

  1. Open the Scheduling Module.
  2. From the Sheet Bar heading, Setup, click Providers. The Provider Setup dialogProvider Setup dialog appears.

  3. From the list, select the Provider you wish to set up.
  4. In the Max Usage column, set the maximum number of appointments that can be scheduled with that Provider at one time. You can set the maximum number at greater than one if overbooking is appropriate for that provider.  
  5. Click one of the following options:
    • OKOK

      Save your changes and make the Provider available for scheduling purposes.

    • CancelCancel

      Exit the dialog without saving your changes.

Related Topics

  1. About Setup Options
  2. Physician dictionary



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