The RCM module opens to the Home PageHome Page. The collector's queue is displayed in the table in the bottom section of this page. Using the filters on the Home Page, you can select a single account to work. Collections activities on individual accounts are performed from the RCM Ledger which is accessible from the Home Page Sheet Bar. See Collections Workflow.
From the RCM Home page Sheet BarRCM Home page Sheet Bar, you can work with groups of accounts. For example, you can generate group letters or turn a group of accounts over to an outside collections agency. See About Home page Sheet Bar options.
Under the Tools Sheet Bar heading on the Home page, you can configure the RCM module or set billing and collection options for a patient's account. See Configuration and Account Management.
Filters on the Home Page
By default, all transactions with an RCM Follow-up Date of the current date or earlier that are assigned to you as the collector will be presented in the queue on the Home Page when you open the RCM module. You can use the filters at the top of the page to select a subset of this larger group of transactions, or even another collector's accounts.
Note: Click Refresh each time you change the filters to bring the new information to the page.
Click the following links to learn more about the filters:
Defaults to blank to display all accounts with a Date Type prior to today's date. Enter or select a different date to limit your results.
Defaults to today's date. You can enter or select a new date to limit or extend the results.
RCM Follow-up Date - (default) - Select this Date Type to view accounts by their assigned follow-up date.
Transaction date - Select to view accounts by date of service
Post date - Select to view accounts by the date the charge was entered into the system
Assigned CollectorAssigned Collector
Click the check mark icon to select a collector, then click Refresh. The charges assigned to the selected collector will pull to the screen. Click the minus sign icon to clear this field.
Enter a specific account number to pull only that account to the queue.
Last Name From/ThruLast Name From/Thru
Enter the last name or initial of the last name or range of last names you would like to pull to the queue. Example: A thru N or Aaron thru North.
Select a workflow status of the accounts you would like to pull to the queue. Your facility can define your own statuses using the RCM Status dictionary in Administration. Typical Statuses include:
Check in Progress
Status Pending
The Status of an account in the queue is set as the account is worked from the RCM Ledger. Any status other than Open indicates the account is being worked by an individual collector or a member of a Workgroup.
You can filter the queue by current responsible party (Due from), Provider, Patient Status, Patient Classification, and/or Case Classification by selecting one or more options from one or more of the 5 combo boxes shown.
Underneath each box, the system will display the number of items available to choose from in the box followed by the number selected. Example 12/1 displayed under Due from would indicate that there are 12 items in the list and 1 has been selected. All items are selected by default.
Use the icon
to add all of the items in the group or the
de-select items already selected in the group.
Queue Details
Click the links to learn more about the following aspects of the collectors queuecollectors queue. :
Column HeadingsColumn Headings
BE (Business Entity) - The name of the Business Entity in which the charges were created
Patient - The Patient's last name, first name, middle name, and title
Account - The Account number
Case - The Case number and description for the associated charge
Resp From (Responsible From) - The rolerole currently associated to the charge as the party responsible for payment.
PI = Primary Insurance
SI = Secondary Insurance
TI = Tertiary Insurance
PG = Primary Guarantor
SG = Secondary Guarantor
Charge - The original amount charged
Due - Current balance due on the charge
DOS (Date of Service) - The date of service associated to the transaction
RCM Date - Current follow-up date associated to the transaction
Status -Workflow status for the transaction
Rows in queue - The system will display the current number of line items in the queue displayed along with the total Charges and Due amount on the selected charges.
Max number of result rows - The system will default to 100 rows in the view. Use the arrows to increase or decrease the number in this field and click Refresh.
Refresh button - Each time you change the filters, click Refresh to ensure that the new parameters have pulled the correct accounts. The system will hide the filters when Refresh is clicked to display more of the items in the queue.
Show Filters button - Select this option to display the Filters at the top of the page
Print button - The queue may be printed by clicking on the Print option and selecting output option, PDF document, Excel spreadsheet or CSV file.
Sorting the columnsSorting the columns
You can click the headers to sort the columns in the queue. The system will use the first column header clicked on as the primary sort. Click on a second column header to indicate a second sort level, a third for a third sort level, and so on.
Example: Click once on the Resp From column head to indicate that this is the primary sort. The system will display 1^ next to the header name and sort the items in the queue in descending alphanumeric order by current responsible carrier listing all PI followed by SI, TI, PG, SG. If you click on the column header again the system will display 1v and flip the sort order to be ascending order. Click on the Due column and the system will display 2^ to indicate that this is the second sort level and it is in descending order. Continue to click on any additional column headers to refine the sort order further. The system will continue to display numbers next to the column header to indicate the level of sorting that column represents.
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