Printing Appointment Labels from Demographics

You can print appointment labels to use for your paper charts, specimen jars, etc. from either the Scheduling module or the Demographics module. This topic covers printing labels from the Demographics module. From this module, you can print labels for one or more patients, and Dates of Service (DOS).

Note: The labels available vary based on which screen you access the Print Label feature from. 

  1. Open the Demographics module.
  2. Select or create a patient record, then click Print Labels from the Sheet Bar.
  3. The Patient Printing dialogPatient Printing dialog appears.

  4. To print labels only for the patient you selected, select the DOS (Date of Service) you would like the labels to print for and click Next.
  5. To print labels for more than one patient:
    • Click the orange arrow beside the Name field and do one of the following:
      • Use the orange arrow to select a range of namesselect a range of names.
        1. Click the orange arrow beside the Name field.
        2. Click Between.
        3. Enter names in the From and Through fields.

        The name must be entered exactly as it is in the MPI, so the easiest way to look up a name is to use an asterisk (*) as a wild card to bring up all names that start with a letter (e.g. A* pulls up all names that begin with A.).

      • Will the account numbers for those patients automatically pull? or do i select the range? or just skip this part?
      • Select one date of service from the DOS drop down menu. Or, Use the orange arrow to select a range of dates of serviceselect a range of dates of service.
        1. Click the orange arrow beside the DOS field.
        2. Click Between.
        3. Select dates in the From and Through fields.
  1. If you wish to print You can print labels Find the Date of Service (DOS) for which you wish to print labels by editing the following fields as needed. (To apply further conditionsconditions to one of these fields, click the orange arrow beside the field.)

  2. Click Next. The Select Appointments sectionSelect Appointments section appears on the right. Your search results are listed in this section.

  3. Choose one of the following options:
    • Choose a single appointment by selecting the Selected? check box.
    • Select None
    • Select All
  4. Click Next. The Setup Label sectionSetup Label section appears on the right. Select a template for your labels using the drop-down list.

  5. Typically, sheets of labels come with 10 rows and 3 columns (30 labels to a sheet), but you can print a partial sheet and later use the rest of that sheet by selecting a row and column at the Start at field.
  6. Select a number of copies to print. This field refers to copies of a single label, not sheets.
  7. If, for example, you choose to print labels for more than 1 patient, and you want 15 copies/labels for each patient, if you do not choose any other option, 30 labels will print all on one page, 15 for 1 patient and 15 for the other. If you select Separate pages and Print same item immediately, you will get 2 pages. 1 with 15 labels for patient 1 and another with 15 labels for the other patient. If you deselect Print same item immediately, you will get 15 pages with 1 label for each patient on each page.
  8. Select one of the following options:
    • Print (again): Displays a print preview as a tab in AmkaiOffice. The Setup Label dialog remains on screen, so you can review the labels, and make changes to the layout before printing. Click the print icon to print the labels.
    • Finish. A print previewprint preview appears in a pop-up window. If you want to make changes to setup, you must reopen the Setup Label dialog. From this preview window, click the print icon to print the label.

Related Topics

  1. Print Appointment Labels




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