The Room Type dictionary defines the different kind of rooms located in the facility that are used in AmkaiOffice. In a typical ASC the rooms will be either Operating Rooms or Procedure Rooms. The system can also differentiate between P.A.T and Recovery Rooms.
The Room Type associated to a room will determine which drop down menus the room is displayed in and the type of appointments that can be booked in the room. Many state reports and bench marking reports capture statistical information on number of cases performed in ORs vs.. those performed in Procedure rooms. The Room type will be referenced in the Room dictionary.
The Room type dictionary is a Shared (Business Group) dictionary. The items entered in the dictionary will be available to all of the Business Entity in the Business Group.
To add a new room type to the dictionary
Exam: Generally used in Practice Management Business Entity
OR: Generally used to indicate a room equipped with general anesthesia
P.A.T.: Pre Admission room used in ASCs or Surgical Hospitals for examination/testing prior to surgery
Procedure: Surgical room that generally is not equipped for general anesthesia
Recovery: Room with a bed designed for patients who will be staying up to 23 hours in an ASC or as an inpatient for Surgical Hospitals.
Billing Rate: This field is used for time & material billing only. If your facility will be doing time & material billing please consult with your AmkaiSolutions trainer on how this field will be populated.
Generate quick code: If the Preference to Auto generate quick code has been set this field will be displayed when new items are added to the dictionary. If a quick code has not been set or if you would like to override the code that has been entered in the field, click the button to have the system generate a quick code.
Click to save your changes and return to the Items screen.
Click to save your changes and clear the fields on the dialog, so you can add another new Item to the dictionary.
Click to discard your changes and return to the Items screen.
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