The largest group of dictionaries in AmkaiOffice is accessible by clicking Dictionary > Items from the System Administration module Sheet Bar. The instructions in this topic apply to all of these dictionaries, as they function in the same basic way. Information that is unique to each dictionary is included in the specific dictionary topics in Online Help, which you can access from the Table of Contents.
Some dictionaries are shared completely or partially within the Enterprise, while others are not shared at all. The main page for each dictionary indicates whether it is shared or not and to what degree it is shared using one of the following designations:
System dictionaries are imported into the system by AmkaiOffice personnel, and in some cases, cannot be modified by clients (e.g. Insurance Claim Qualifier dictionary).
Shared among all Business Entities /Facilities belonging to the same Business Group , but not shared among all Business Groups belonging to the Enterprise. Items will generally need to be activated in the Business Entity, and some additional information that is unique to the Business Entity may need to be entered.
Shared across the entire Enterprise (among all Business Entities/Facilities and Business Groups belonging to the Enterprise)
Specific only to the current Business Entity (shared by all Facilities belonging to the BE). Not shared with any other BE or Business Group.
Accessing an Items dictionary in AmkaiOffice
Displays only items marked Active in the dictionary.
Displays only items marked Inactive in the dictionary.
Displays both Active and Inactive items in the dictionary. (Default setting)
Searching for Entries (Items) in an Items Dictionary
Most dictionaries default with the search option set to Name. To change the search option, click the binoculars and select which field you wish to search from. To locate a particular item, enter the first few characters of either the Name or Quick Code in the Search fieldSearch field at the upper right of the dictionary main page. As soon as the system finds a match, the matching item is highlighted.
Quick Codes
Quick Codes are short names for items used in AmkaiOffice. Each item entered into a Dictionary must have a unique Quick Code, as it is considered a mandatory field in the system. Quick Codes are used to select items in drop down menus and are often used as data elements on reports found in the system.
Selecting the Quick Code Auto Generation option under the System Administration heading on the Preference Editor Sheet Bar enables you to have the system automatically assign a quick code to new items added to the user defined dictionaries. Items already entered into dictionaries at the time you enable this feature will not be impacted. To learn how to use this feature, see Setting Quick Code Auto Generation Preferences.
The Dictionary screens will display a button labeled Generate quick code when Auto Generate has been turned on, and a new dictionary item is being entered. The system will automatically generate the code when the name field is populated and you click off of the Name field or save the item. Use the button only if the field was cleared or you manually enter data and wish the system to generate the code instead. Once the item has been saved, the Generate quick code button will no longer appear on the screen. Any changes to the quick code will need to be made manually after saving.
Example: Anesthesia Type DictionaryAnesthesia Type Dictionary with Generate quick code option set
Note: In order to ensure that all quick codes in a dictionary are unique, the system will automatically append a number to the end of a quick code if it finds a duplicate already exists in the dictionary. The appended number is not considered part of the user selected number of digits but the system may need to adjust the code so that the max 15 character length is not exceeded.
To add a new entry
Enter a description of the item. The name must be unique.
Enter a short name for the item, up to 15 alphanumeric characters long. Quick codes must be unique. If, in the Preference Editor, your facility has elected to Auto-generate quick codes, this field will auto-fill when you complete the Name field. Use the Generate Quick Code button only if the field was cleared or you manually entered data, but decide to have the system generate the code instead.
If the Preference to Auto generate quick code has been set this field will be displayed when new items are added to the dictionary. If a quick code has not been set or if you would like to override the code that has been entered in the field, click the button to have the system generate a quick code.
Click to save your changes and return to the Items screen.
Click to save your changes and clear the fields on the dialog, so you can add another new Item to the dictionary.
Click to discard your changes and return to the Items screen.
To edit a dictionary entry
Enter a description of the item. The name must be unique.
Enter a short name for the item, up to 15 alphanumeric characters long. Quick codes must be unique. If, in the Preference Editor, your facility has elected to Auto-generate quick codes, this field will auto-fill when you complete the Name field.
Click to save your changes and return to the Items screen.
Click to save your changes and clear the fields on the dialog, so you can add another new Item to the Dictionary.
Click to discard your changes and return to the Items screen.
To activate an entry:
To deactivate an entry:
To print a dictionary report
Displays only items marked Active in the dictionary.
Displays only items marked Inactive in the dictionary.
Choose Ascendant or Descendant from the drop down menu in the Sort column for a particular Caption to sort your report by that Caption in either ascending or descending order.
The default is for all Captions to be selected to appear on the report. If you wish to exclude a Caption from the report, deselect the check box in the Visible column next to that Caption.
The default is for the Total check box to be selected for the Flat Fee and Cost+ Captions, which means the report will display the total of any dollar amounts included in the Flat Fee and Cost+ fields for all Items shown in the report. The fields available to show totals will vary based on the specific dictionary you are printing.
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