Configuring Conflict Settings for Human Resources

Conflict Checking is a feature that helps users ensure the appointments they schedule meet certain parameters set by the Business EntityA Business Entity (BE) typically represents a unit of business within a given database. The business can be an Ambulatory Surgery Center (ASC), a physician's practice, an Anesthesia Billing unit, etc. Whether or not a BE is related to another BE within the same database is simply based on the business relationship between the two entities. They can be an ASC/Practice Management combination or an ASC/Anesthesia Billing combination, for example. BEs, whether related or not, typically have separate Federal Tax ID numbers. by marking key fields as SuggestedSuggested fields are those which should be completed with valid information. However, you can still save an appointment even if these fields are not satisfied. Your Business Entity can designate these fields in Conflict Settings in the Administration Module. Suggested fields are highlighted in yellow in the application. or MandatoryMandatory fields are those which much be completed with valid information before an appointment is saved. Your Business Entity can designate these fields in Conflict Settings in the Administration Module. Mandatory fields are highlighted in red in the application.. Conflict Checking alerts the user in real time during scheduling about issues related to the patient, physician or other personnel, or case that need correcting, or informs users that the appointment cannot be scheduled. For more information, see About Conflict Checking.

This topic provides instructions for configuring how Conflict Checking handles issues related to physicians and other personnel.

To configure Conflict Settings for Human Resources:

  1. Open the System Administration module. See System Administration.

  2. Click the Conflict Checking Sheet Bar optionConflict Checking Sheet Bar option under the Configuration heading. The Conflict Checking Configuration screenConflict Checking Configuration screen  appears.

  3. From the Conflict Checking Sheet Bar, select Human Resources under the Conflict Settings heading.  The Human Resources Conflict Settings screenHuman Resources Conflict Settings screen appears and displays the following columns:

    • ConflictConflict (also known as a "Conflict Checkpoint")

      Description of the conflict checks that may be automatically checked by the system. Also known as "Conflict Checkpoints."

    • SurgeonSurgeon 

      Lists the level of checking set for the appointment’s Surgeon.

    • Assistant 1Assistant 1 

      Lists the level of checking set for the appointment’s Assistant #1.

    • AnesthesiologistAnesthesiologist 

      Lists the level of checking set for the appointment’s Anesthesiologist.


      Lists the level of checking set for the appointment’s CRNA.

    • Alert Staff/WGAlert Staff/WG 

      Lists either the user or work group that should receive a system task if a conflict exists. If you leave this field blank, any user will receive the visual alert and pop-up upon saving indicating there is a conflict with this field. Lookup for this field will be controlled by the radio buttons above it:

          • User:  Looks up active entries in the Passport dictionary.

          • Work Group: Looks up active entries in the Work Group dictionary.

  1. (Optional) You can customize the wording for each Conflict CheckpointAny of a number of potential Conflicts the system checks for when the Conflict Checker runs during the Scheduling process. Examples include: missing fields or unavailable resources such as equipment or rooms. to use terminology more familiar to your staff. (e.g. Change “Charge(s) for patient under collection turnover” to “New appointment cannot be scheduled until aging amounts are paid”) Click herehere to learn how.

      1. Select the Conflict you wish to reword.

      2. Click the green plus sign next to Custom Text above the Conflict Column.

      3. Enter the new text.

      4. To undo your changes and return to the original system text, click the minus sign icon.

  2. Select the Level of Alert for each Conflict Checkpoint listed. Each Conflict is specific to the physician or staff role to which it applies, so you will set the Level of Alert individually in each column. The available Levels of Alert include:

  1. To have the system automatically generate a task to resolve the Conflict assigned to a user or workgroup:

    1. Select Alert User and Report or Report Only as the Level of Alert

    2. Select either the User or Work Group radio button (above the grid), and select a specific User or Work Group from the drop-down list in the Alert User/WG column.

      • The task appears on the User Desktop for the selected User or Work Group members.

      • If you select Alert User and Report, and leave the Alert User/WG column blank, no system task will be generated, but any user who encounters a conflict on the field while scheduling will receive the pop-up notification of the conflict upon saving the appointment.

    3. To remove a User or Work Group, select the item and click the minus sign icon.

  1. When you assign a due date to a task, the User or Workgroup you selected will receive a system-generated task with the due date. Supervisors will receive an follow-up e-mail Message notification if a task is not completed by the due date.

    To assign a due date to a task:

    • Complete the process described in step 6 to auto-generate a system task for the Conflict.

    • Enter a value in the # Days to Alert field  for the Conflict  using the up and down arrows.

    • Select the Alert supervisor check box. If this option is not selected for a task, no due date will be displayed in the Conflict Checking Alert.

Note: If the Conflict is date-related, such as license expiration for provider or a patient-specific prior occurrence, the due date will be set to X number of days prior to the date of service (DOS). Example: CDS license expired on 12/31/15 - DOS is set for 1/23/16 and days to alert set to 2. Notification will be sent to the selected user that the license has expired. Due date on the Task list will be 1/21/16.

Note: If the Conflict is not date-related, such as Missing Chart Number, due date will be set to X number of days after the creation date of the appointment. Example: Appointment scheduled 1/29/10 with a DOS of 2/23/10 and days to alert set to 2 – due date will be 2 days after creation of the appointment or 1/31/10.

  1. Assign to Phys./Staff column - Not operational at this time: will be implemented in a future release.

  2. Repeat these steps for each Conflict Checkpoint.

  3. Click one of the following buttons:

    • SaveSave

      Apply the Conflict Settings you selected.

    • Reset to DefaultReset to Default

      Clear all changes made during this session and return the page to “factory defaults."

    • CancelCancel

      Do not save the changes made during this session.

    • BackBack

      Return to the System Administration main page without saving your selections.


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