The Group tab on the Form Printing dialog enables you to run/print reports/forms for multiple patients grouped by criteria such as overdue balance and billing activity and/or date of last payment. Using this tab, you can only print items related to each patient’s most recent appointment. If you wish to print items for multiple appointments for a patient, use the Individual tab on the Form Printing - Demographics dialog.
Note: Using the Group tab, you can only print items related to each patient’s most recent appointment. If you wish to print items for multiple appointments for a patient, use the Individual tab on the Form Printing - Demographics dialog.
To print forms for a group of patients
You can type all or part of a last name in the From and Through fields. For example, you can type Aargard in From and Baker in Through, or you can type A in From and B in Through.
Type beginning and ending account numbers (or the initial digits of those account numbers) to define a range to display on the form.
Type beginning and ending ages to define a range of patients to display on the form. For example, enter 35 and 50 to show all patients within that age range.
You can enter a specific date to show all patients born on that date, or use the orange down arrow to define a date range.
You can enter a specific date to show all patients whose records were created on that date, or use the orange down arrow to define a date range.
You can enter a specific date to show all patients last seen on a particular date, or use the orange down arrow to define a date range.
You can enter a specific date to show all patients by date of last payment, or use the orange down arrow to define a date range.
Select the Sex to narrow your range of results to Male, Female, Unspecified or click the orange/white arrow and click Add New Row to show a combination of Unspecified and one of the two sexes.
Select a range of Overdue Days from the drop-down list. You can use this field in combination with the Overdue Balance field to limit your results to patients who owe at least the amount you enter, or leave it blank to show all patients with balances overdue by the number of days selected.
Use this field in combination with the Overdue Days field. Type a dollar amount (no dollar sign) to limit your results to only those patients who owe at least that amount.
You can specify whether you want to see patients with Active or Inactive billing activity or both, and the number of days ago billing activities occurred.
Includes information on the patient's demographics, insurance policies, and account balance
Includes all information on the Patient Summary Information except the account balance
Includes all information on the Patient Summary Information except the account balance. Also includes a Release of Benefit and Information and Patient Financial Responsibility statement with a space for signatures.
Includes information on the patient's demographics, insurance policies, and account balance with a place for signatures attesting to the accuracy of the information on the form
Includes information on the patient's demographics, insurance policies, and account balance and information about the procedure(s) with a place for signatures attesting to the accuracy of the information on the form. The procedure description does not include the procedure code.
Includes information on the patient's demographics, insurance policies, and account balance and information about the procedure(s), including the procedure code, with a place for signatures attesting to the accuracy of the information on the form.
Includes information on the patient's demographics, insurance policies, and account balance and information about the procedure(s), including the procedure code, with a place for signatures attesting to the accuracy of the information on the form.
This is a letter informing the patient of the estimated amount he or she is responsible to pay based on the information provided by the surgeon and insurance carrier with places for signatures. The amount printed on the form is pulled from the Deposit field on the Insurance Verification dialogInsurance Verification dialog.
Surgical Safety Checklist from the World Health Organization. The form includes the patient's name, case date (date of service) and signature line/date.
Case Physician is set on the Case Details dialogCase Details dialog.
Classification is set in the Account Details sectionAccount Details section on the patient’s Demographic screen.
Status is set in the Account Details sectionAccount Details section on the patient’s Demographic screen.
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