Printing Forms for a Group of Patients

The Group tab on the Form Printing dialog enables you to run/print reports/forms for multiple patients grouped by criteria such as overdue balance and billing activity and/or date of last payment. Using this tab, you can only print items related to each patient’s most recent appointment. If you wish to print items for multiple appointments for a patient, use the Individual tab on the Form Printing - Demographics dialog.

Note: Using the Group tab, you can only print items related to each patient’s most recent appointment. If you wish to print items for multiple appointments for a patient, use the Individual tab on the Form Printing - Demographics dialog.

To print forms for a group of patients

  1. Open the Demographics module.
  2. From the Sheet BarSheet Bar, click Print Form. The Form Printing - Demographics dialogForm Printing - Demographics dialog appears.

  3. Select the Group tabGroup tab.

  4. Use one or more1 of the filters in the filters section to search for patient records to populate the form. The more filters you use, the more specific your report results will be. Clicking the orange/white down arrow next to the filter fields enables you to search with greater flexibility.
    • Patient Last NamePatient Last Name

      You can type all or part of a last name in the From and Through fields. For example, you can type Aargard in From and Baker in Through, or you can type A in From and B in Through.

    • AccountAccount

      Type beginning and ending account numbers (or the initial digits of those account numbers) to define a range to display on the form.

    • AgeAge

      Type beginning and ending ages to define a range of patients to display on the form. For example, enter 35 and 50 to show all patients within that age range.

    • Date of BirthDate of Birth

      You can enter a specific date to show all patients born on that date, or use the orange down arrow to define a date range.

    • Created DateCreated Date

      You can enter a specific date to show all patients whose records were created on that date, or use the orange down arrow to define a date range.

    • Date Last SeenDate Last Seen

      You can enter a specific date to show all patients last seen on a particular date, or use the orange down arrow to define a date range.

    • Date Last PaymentDate Last Payment

      You can enter a specific date to show all patients by date of last payment, or use the orange down arrow to define a date range.

    • SexSex

      Select the Sex to narrow your range of results to Male, Female, Unspecified or click the orange/white arrow and click Add New Row to show a combination of Unspecified and one of the two sexes.

    • Overdue DaysOverdue Days

      Select a range of Overdue Days from the drop-down list. You can use this field in combination with the Overdue Balance field to limit your results to patients who owe at least the amount you enter, or leave it blank to show all patients with balances overdue by the number of days selected.

    • Overdue BalanceOverdue Balance

      Use this field in combination with the Overdue Days field. Type a dollar amount (no dollar sign) to limit your results to only those patients who owe at least that amount.

    • Billing ActivityBilling Activity

      You can specify whether you want to see patients with Active or Inactive billing activity or both, and the number of days ago billing activities occurred.

  5. Select the type of form from the Form drop-down list:
  1. In the Message box, type any note you would like to add to the form. Your note will appear at the bottom of the form. The note will not appear on the WHO Surgical Checklist.
  2. Select the appropriate radio button to sort your report by Patient Name or Zip Code.
  3. Select one or more items from any of the filters from the bottom of the dialog to further refine the selection criteria. To clear any of the filters, click the None button.
  4. Click Run. On the dialogdialog that appears, select the output format for the report: PDF or Tab and click OK:

    • If you select PDF, the document appears in a separate window. Click the print icon to print the form.
    • If you select Tab, the form replaces the Demographics screen in the application. Click the print icon to print the form.



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