Resubmitting a Paper HCFA Form Claim
You can adjust the way transactions are displayed in the Transaction List using the following options:
Displays all transactions posted in the previous 30 days, including parent and child transactions.
Displays all parent transactions. You can view all child transactions by clicking the plus sign next to a parent transaction.
Hides all charges that have reached a 0 balance, and displays all other transactions. You can view all child transactions by clicking the plus sign next to the parent transaction.
When left unchecked, only active transactions will be viewable on the transaction list. When checked, both active and inactive transactions will be displayed.
Hides all child transactions from view
Displays all child transactions
Groups transactions by charges (default)
Group transactions by Case
Groups all transactions with the same date of service together
Displays all charges in the order they were posted on the ledger
The Group Totals will display the totals for the transactions included in the option you selected in the Group By section. If you select a different Group By option, the totals will recalculate based on your new selection.
If the balance due is not currently sitting with the payor you are resubmitting the claim for, you will need to Transfer the balance due to the correct Role:
With the charge selected, click Transfer under the Special heading on the sheet bar.
On the screenscreen that appears, in the Transfer Info section, deselect the Auto Xfer to next role check box.
Use the drop down selector to select the payor you are resubmitting the claim for.
For each charge to be included in the resubmitted claim, add the Original Reference Number shown on the Remittance Advice for the rejected claim:
From the Patient Ledger, double-click the charge to launch the Charge Details screen.
On either the HCFA or UB tab (does not matter which tab you select), enter the Original Reference Number in the Original Ref # fieldOriginal Ref # field.
You can also enter a Resubmission Code in the Resubmission Code fieldResubmission Code field, if the payor requests one. The Resubmission Code will not pull to electronic claims.
Save your changes.
Process the paper claim as usual. You will see the Resubmission Code, if entered, and the Original Reference Number in Fields 22 and 23 of the paper HCFA-1500 form.
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