National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) Procedures Upload CSV v8.5 2022

The report gathers a list of all procedures performed in the date of service range you provide and exports a list of pertinent information for reporting these procedures to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN). The intent of the report is to report patient safety procedure data.

This topic describes specifications for importing procedure data for NHSN Procedures Upload CSV version 8.5, 2020, and applies to AmkaiOffice versions 4.4 and later. Administrators should be sure to check roles and permissions for new features as well as new reports that are added to the system with the upgrade and provide access to the staff that will make use of this enhancement.

For complete information on the data field requirements and definitions, see the NHSN Manual, available here:  

Please contact our support team at 866-265-2434 for more information on running the NHSN data extract.

Note: This report is not a complete list of all the data elements needed to meet NHSN reporting requirements. It is necessary to edit the report output file to add the missing required data.

NHSN Report

The NHSN data extract can be found here in AmkaiOffice: Reports > CDM > NHSN Procedures upload.

This report will extract data elements required to send to the CDC for processing the NHSN Report. The system generates a CSV file that you can open and edit in Excel.

Criteria for including cases/procedures in the report

The report output file will include data elements extracted from cases documented in your AmkaiOffice database that meet all of the following criteria:

    • Cases marked either Performed or Partially performed /Billable
    • Cases that include a procedure code that is included in the NHSN approved list of codes
    • Of those cases, only procedures documented in CDM > Operative > Performed Procedures table will be included

Excluded data

Any data that is not documented in AmkaiOffice is not included in the report output, including data that AmkaiOffice is not currently designed to collect, such as Height in inches. These unrecorded data elements are noted as such in the Data Elements table in this document.

You will need to add the missing information in the output file or add it directly in the NHSN program after the report is uploaded.

Report Output

The report is generated in a CSV file and can be edited in Microsoft Excel. If Excel is installed on your computer, the CSV file will automatically open in Excel for editing. Many of the report fields will be blank as indicated in the Data Elements table on this document. For any of those fields, you can enter data manually in the CSV file as needed.


Main Screen Parameters

Case Date

Select the From and Through dates to define the range of time from which to pull cases for the report.

Only cases that meet the requirements stated on page 4 of this document will be exported to the report.

Include Headers in File

Check this box to include header rows in the data file.


To exclude the closure type from the report, select (parameter not used). The other options for closure type are: Primary and Other.

Include Comments

If you check this box, the case name will display in the "Comments" field for better case identification/editing purposes. If the Comments field on the report output file contains a "±" character, the NHSN website will NOT accept the upload - you should remove any instances of this character in the Comments field before uploading.

Data Elements

Click here to view a table that shows the data elements included in the NHSN report. You can edit the report output to enter data in the fields that default as blank from AmkaiOffice.

NSHN Procedure Codes and Associated ICD-CM-/CPT Codes

Click here to view a table showing these codes.




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