You can enter/update staff/physician employment information in the H/R module. Information entered in Employment will be reported in the Human Resources Report > H/R Employment.
Updating/editing physician/staff employment information in the H/R module
Check and uncheck this box depending on whether this employment line is considered to be active or inactive.
Select the status of the staff member/physician's employment from the drop-down list. You can add/edit the status dictionary using the Alt + D/ Alt + E keys.
Enter the date the employee was hired. You can enter the date manually or use the drop down arrow to access the Amkai Calendar.
Enter the date the staff member or physician was no longer considered an employee. You can enter the date manually or use the drop down arrow to access the Amkai Calendar.
Enter the amount of money the employee makes in a designated period. (Free text field) (Example: $31.00)
Enter the pay period used for this employee by selecting it from the drop-down list. (Example: Hourly)
Free text field where you can enter how many hours the employee works in a given week.
Only complete this field if you have identified the Pay Period as Hourly.
The system will auto calculate the annual salary based off of the parameters identified above and display it here. Read-only field. The primary purpose for salary information entered in the H/R module is for case costing in the Cost Management module.
Enter any comments in this free text field.
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